We often see scenarios in life where shortcuts that seem easy lead to bigger problems. For example, quick fixes in diet can cause health problems. “Fat-free” or “sugar-free” labels might lead to overeating. The keto diet, which avoids carbs, has caused health issues due to imbalanced nutrition. Weight-loss drugs like Ozempic have also led to serious health complications.

IT and Security

Similarly, taking shortcuts in IT security can be dangerous. Many businesses attempt to meet compliance requirements or protect themselves from data breaches by taking the easiest, cheapest routes. It’s a common mistake to rely on free antivirus or firewall software found through a quick search, underestimating the risks.

However, the results of these shortcuts can be devastating. An example is the attack earlier this year against Change Healthcare that disrupted hospitals, health systems, and physician practices nationwide. Small businesses often believe they are too insignificant to be targeted, but cybercriminals target precisely these businesses, knowing they are less likely to have robust protections in place.

Professional IT Services

Not all shortcuts are bad though. Hiring a managed services provider can be a smart move that saves you time, stress, and money. Professionals understand your industry and can help you achieve compliance, security, and efficiency without stress.

Choosing the Right IT Provider

It’s important to choose the right IT provider. History shows that even experts can be wrong, like with past medical practices or financial scams. So, vet potential IT partners carefully, ask questions, and seek testimonials.

Final Advice

When choosing an IT provider, don’t blindly follow advice. Ask questions, request testimonials, and hire someone trustworthy. Your company’s security and reputation depend on it. We offer a FREE guide with critical questions to ask before letting anyone handle your network. It’s a great resource for business owners or executives looking to get the most out of their IT team.

If you’re ready to hand off your IT to experts, our team is here to help. We’ll manage your network so you can focus on growing your business. Check our website for client reviews!

To get started, call us at 703-528-0101 or click here to schedule your FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment now.