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Security Awareness Training

Give your business the best defense against hackers.

CALL us: 202-223-1234

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Security Awareness Training arms your team against hackers, phishing, and cyber attacks.  Invario developed our program especially for small and mid-sized businesses. We teach your team to make smarter cyber security decisions every day.

It’s easy to implement Security Awareness training for your entire team. Invario’s cyber security specialists manage all aspects of the program for you. You get online training, simulated phishing, and detailed reporting all centered around transforming your team into a human firewall.

Make no mistake, small and mid-sized businesses in the Washington, DC area are under attack. Sophisticated techniques, such as spear phishing target your employees. Bogus messages entice them to open an attachment or click on a link. Hackers then use ransomware to encrypt your files. Then they demand payment in order get your data back. An educated user is much less likely to be the victim of an attack.

91% of successful data breaches start with a spear phishing attack

Security Awareness Training for Small & Mid-sized Business

The world's largest library of security awareness training content, fully online and interactive

We partner wtih KnowBe4 to offer the world’s most popular integrated platform for security awareness training. Invario manages the annual training calendar to build layers of learning.

Safe phishing campaigns that mimic known attacks

Research has shown that the most effective security awareness training programs combine simulated phishing with ongoing training. Invario’s simulated phishing campaigns:

  • Deploy varied attacks customized to your business or industry
  • Reveal the % of your users that are prone to phishing attacks
  • Inoculate users against future attacks by showing them what NOT to click on 

Meets Compliance Requirements

Your company receives ongoing reports throughout the year to document results of the security awareness training program and demonstrate compliance with regulatory guidelines.

Find out what percentage of your employees are Phish-prone

Free Phishing Security Test

IT pros know that simulated phishing tests are a vital additional security layer. Today, phishing your own users is just as important as having antivirus and a firewall. It is a fun and an effective cybersecurity best practice to patch your last line of defense: USERS

Phishing Security Test

Why? If you don’t do it yourself, the bad guys will. 

FREE Your guide to the most common phishing Red Flags

Invario Blog - IT News You Can Use

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7531 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22043

(703) 528-0101